Unraveling the Layers of Mental Health StigmaWhile several health conditions face problems related to stigma, the stigma around individuals with mental health conditions is some of the most prominent. Those of us living with depression have...Reactions0reactions
Can You Get Disability Benefits With a Depression Diagnosis?According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 18.5 percent of adults say they have a diagnosis of depression. Mental illness is the leading cause of permanent disability, and...Reactions0reactions
Why Women Are at Greater Risk for Depression Than MenDepression can affect anyone, regardless of gender, age, or background. However, research shows that women are more likely to experience depression than men. In fact, women are twice as likely...Reactions0reactions
EFT (Tapping) for DepressionEmotional freedom technique (EFT) is also known as tapping. The practice has been shown to ease stress and anxiety within minutes. It is also used in more long-term treatment for...Reactions0reactions
The Challenges of Parenting While Living With DepressionParenting comes with its own set of challenges. For parents grappling with depression, these challenges can feel even more overwhelming and daunting. Depression is extremely common. About 21 million adults...Reactions0reactions
A Guy With Depression…In my work as an independent consultant, I have a love-hate relationship to LinkedIn. On the one hand, it feels like a giant exercise in futility, with millions of frantic...Reactions0reactions
How Anorexia Feeds DepressionContent Note: This article describes eating disorder thoughts, behaviors, and symptoms. It also mentions sexual abuse. If you or a loved one are struggling, consider reading our mental health resources...Reactions0reactions
Major Depression's Cousin: High-Functioning DepressionThe majority of my depressive episodes have been severe major depressive episodes, in which I'm barely able to function, if at all. Almost all of them are accompanied by suicidal...Reactions0reactions
What to Know About Service Dogs and DepressionA service animal is specifically trained to help a person who lives with a disability. They can help people with different conditions like blindness, deafness, or epilepsy. These animals may...Reactions0reactions
Depression's Relationship With AnxietyDepression and anxiety are the 2 most common mental health disorders. They have symptoms that overlap. For many people, depression and anxiety are comorbid. This means that they often happen...Reactions0reactions
What You Should Know about Depression with PsychosisDepression, or major depressive disorder (MDD), is a common mental health condition. MDD is an overarching term that includes several types of depression. One rare but serious type of MDD...Reactions0reactions
World Behind Locked Doors: My First HospitalizationI awoke as the sun was rising, groggy and confused. In the next moment, I recalled what I had done just hours ago. I'd swallowed an entire bottle of pills...Reactions0reactions
Like Mother, Like Daughter: My Depression DiagnosisI have not always felt like Eeyore, Winnie-the-Pooh's depressed friend. But 2023 was a rough year for me and I’m glad to see it in the rear-view mirror. That is...Reactions0reactions
My Depression's InsomniaYet again, I find myself in my recliner instead of in my bed. My dogs have faithfully followed me to the living room and are curled up under my giant...Reactions0reactions
New Year, Same MeI don't make New Year's resolutions. (But if you do, I think that’s great!) When I do, it makes me feel bad because of the "New Year, New Me" ideology...Reactions0reactions
Want to Write for Us?We are currently not accepting applications for new writers. The Social Health Network application form has now been closed. Thank you for your interest, and we will update this page...Reactions0reactions
Depression Took Hold of My Career – And My LifeContent Note: This article describes suicide and suicidal thoughts. If you or a loved one are struggling, consider reading our mental health resources page. Having been diagnosed with anorexia and...Reactions0reactions
What Is a Depressive Episode?Depression is a common mental illness. It affects about 5 percent of adults worldwide. Having a depressive episode is part of the criteria to diagnose depression. Major depressive disorder (MDD)...Reactions0reactions
The Depression Takes Root: Adolescence and My 20sContent Note: This article describes suicide and self-harm. If you or a loved one are struggling, consider reading our mental health resources page. I started smoking pot at 14 with...Reactions0reactions
How Pets Help Me Live With DepressionDepression has a way of making those living with it feel completely alone. Additionally, isolation has a way of increasing the risk of depression. It can be a very vicious...Reactions0reactions