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Virtual Therapy

Tomorrow morning, I have an appointment with my psychologist. Earlier this week, I had an appointment with my psychiatrist. Luckily for me, I do not have to leave my house for these appointments. I manage these mental health appointments through a virtual therapy platform.

Virtual therapy for depression

In today's society, there are many options available for those seeking therapy. There is even a variety of virtual therapy options available, ranging from video calls to phone calls to text messaging. There are many reasons an individual may choose to seek out virtual therapy.

Access to care

Some individuals may seek virtual therapy for the convenience factor. Telemedicine can reduce the time necessary to attend appointments by eliminating the time to drive to and from the doctor's office and the time spent in the waiting room. This reduction of time can allow those who work to have the ability to seek therapy during lunch breaks.

Additionally, some platforms connect doctors from other areas with patients from areas that may not have mental health professionals locally. Some of these providers also have openings later at night and even during the weekends. This availability opens up more opportunities for a busy professional to seek mental health care.


For some people, virtual therapy may allow them to avoid the perceived societal stigma around mental health issues. It can eliminate the anxiety they may feel by walking into a mental health office. Additionally, patients of virtual therapy do not have to wait in a waiting room where other patients may try to hold conversations with them.

My experience

I have been using a site called "Doctor on Demand" for years. This platform includes a website where you can have video chat appointments with various doctors. They also have an app that you can download for your phone. I primarily use it for my mental health appointments, but I have used it once before when I had a cold during the COVID-19 pandemic.

My comfort during therapy sessions

I enjoy the ability to have my mental health appointments within the comfort of my own home. The discussions with my psychologist can be deeply personal and pull some great emotions from me. It is comforting to be able to have these emotional breakthroughs in my own home. It also means I do not have to leave the doctor's office with a tear-stained face.

Also, I feel like I do not have to worry about anyone overhearing my concerns with virtual therapy. It is very comforting to have this peace of mind.

Cost savings with virtual therapy

There are also cost savings on my insurance plan for the virtual mental health services on my insurance. My copay is half of what it would be in the physical doctor's office. This relieves some of the financial burden of seeking the mental healthcare that I desire.

But of course, just because my insurance has a lower copay for virtual therapy appointments, it does not mean that all insurance companies will have a lower copay amount.

Virtual therapy is a great option for me

While virtual therapy may not be for everyone, it is an option for individuals who are seeking another option in place of traditional mental health options. There are many reasons someone could be considering virtual therapy treatment options. Some of these reasons could include better access to care, increased privacy or comfort during therapy, and even cost savings.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.